Below are guidelines to assist you in determining what information we
require to perform a Quote and Design.
Print out a Checklist for your Application (Quote and
Design Checklist)
Number of added Traces (Jumpers)
Number of Added Components Pads
Trace Cuts / Drill-outs
Lifted or Clipped Component Leads
PCB Dimensions X and Y, Thickness
PCB Technology: SMT, Through Hole, SMOBC, HASL, OSP, Gold Immersion
Solder Paste - Lead or No-lead (if no-lead, specify paste required)
Approximate Lot Sizes and or Total Quantities Expected
Will the Board to be Processed be Panelized (1-Up, 2-up, 3-up, etc.)
P/N that appears on PCB in Etch or Silkscreen
Name and Phone Number of Design/ Engineer Contact
Gerber Data Base to include the following:
- Signal Files (Top, Bottom, and Inner Trace Layer)
- Power and Ground Layers
- Silk-screening (Top & Bottom)
- Aperture List
ECO or other form of Written Rework Instruction
Bare PCB (to assist in pad measurements) Optional
Added Component Pad Specifications (Pad Dimensions and Spacing if
applicable )
Name and Phone Number of the Design/ Engineer Contact
Name and Phone Number of the Person Approving Design
[ Quote & Design Info | Process
Flow and Design|
Additive Circuits, Inc. (North America & Asia/Pacific)